Jet Lagged

****** I am still behind with my holiday photos but have decided to catch up until Today (28.08.2022) in order not to build a bigger backlog - as I keep going with my blip .... I will let you know when more photos of my trip are ready and posted - but for now I am catching up with the daily blips) ******

I tried to get up early but it was only short before 9 am that I could get out of bed. 

Done yoga and realised that my back is still not great as I had not taken any painkillers since Wednesday morning in Vegas. 

Had a session with Angela at 11 am and we were on almost until 2 pm. 
I went straight back to bed - Neil had not surfaced yet - and slept another few hours until after 4 pm. 

Sunshine and 22 degrees in Glasgow made us get dressed and out. 
Did some shopping, got coffee to go and sat on a bench in the park. 

This photos sums up that we were only shadows of ourselves .....

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