
By AnnieBScotland

our house, our street

a panorama from the front gate, taken with the new camera - it does it automatically, which is a new feature for me!! just a few of the houses round about but I will tag it for the 'one street' project.

what a fabulous sunny day! walked down to New Lanark and tried out this panorama function, but wasn't too impressed with the results. this one is better. a couple of hours at the seearch room, then walked home and saw my first butterfly of the year!!

I've lost my macro setting! the new camera is the same but very different! there's no macro setting on the mode dial, and I have been lying around the grass taking shots to see how it works but I think it will still take a bit of getting used to. there's actually quite a few things I don't like at the moment, - the on/off switch is front to back, instead of side to side, which is much easier with a thumb, and you have to put the guide lines on via a function button, on the old camera they came on automatically with the display. but I do like this panorama function and the best thing - apparently - is the fact that the lens holds a wide aperture of f2.8 along the whole focal length - equivalent to 24-600mm.

Now I should be out in the garden as it is so lovely, but I might just carry on playing..

enjoy the sun while it lasts!

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