
Had some lengthy discussions regarding research in my 3rd year. Very necessary.
Sat on a panel for the 1st years in Everett college and tried to disguise or ignore my increasing anxiety about taking boards in a month.

And then.. Central Market. Have to stock up on fish and vegetables and ..... fruit.

The passion fruit was listed at $1.99 ea. I thought it said $1.99/lb so I got excited because, hello, they're usually so expensive. As I was talking to my mom on the phone, I told her and then realized that they were $2 each.. Discouraged, I told her I was not buying any and started walking away. The produce guy (Rodney.. God bless him) overheard me and asked how much I would be willing to pay. We talked a bit and I told him I'd buy 6 if they were 3 for $1. So he told me to bag some up and he'd give me a code. I bagged 6 and he said to grab two more. And then proceeded to give me the code for limes (4 for $1). So I got these 8 passion fruit above for $2..

$2 which would have originally only purchased 1. Thank you, Rodney... you truly made my day.

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