Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Keeping the NHS busy

I was on my way to the hospital this morning to take Dad for his post op check up when Kieran called. I pulled over and was shocked to hear him confirm that the doctor said he'd got Type 1 diabetes. Fortunately, he'd recognised that he wasnt feeling well: he'd lost a lot of weight suddenly, was drinking a huge amount of water and felt exhausted. He had the common sense to call the surgery and he was seen straight away. I had to turn around to fetch Kieran and take him straight to the hospital too. I dropped Kieran off at A&E and Dad off at Outpatients. I parked the car and then wheeled Dad around for a blood test followed by a trip up to a clinic. As soon as I'd settled him, I shot back to A&E to find Kieran. Kieran was soon seen in resus and was extremely patient and calm while he had numerous blood tests and had 2 cannula put in his arms for insulin and glucose. The diabetic nurse came to see him and went through how to manage his diabetes and gave him a bag of equipment that he'd need. She said she would see him tomorrow as they had decided to admit him for monitoring.
While all this was going on, I'd called Chris to let him know what was happening and to come and help
me. I took Dad home and gave him lunch and then returned to be with Kieran for a bit so Chris could return to work.
Kieran was amazing. He did get a bit fed up with all the testing (especially at night while he was trying to sleep) but he coped extremely well with his life-changing diagnosis.

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