By lizzie_birkett

EB - Back Home in Bed!

It’s always good to get back to one’s own bed - though it’s always
hard to say good bye to the girls, they are always so huggy and kissy when we leave.
The journey home was good and the weather gorgeous albeit a bit on the cool side.
When we arrived home Tonya had a pan of soup ready for us and we had a good old chinwag about what we each had been doing.

Little Arms

Little arms around my neck
so tight I can hardly breathe
They shower us with kisses
They don’t want us to leave.
It won’t be long I tell them
Till we see you again.
Back at home I’m already looking
at when I can book a train!

It must have been quite a bit warmer down here than up in Scotland and the garden still looks good. I spent the afternoon weeding, dead heading and chopping back.

It was nice to hear the geese flying over.

Canada Geese

Each morning, at day break
I hear them - honk-honk-honk-honk,
the Geese on their way to the flashes.
Sometimes we go there to watch them,
feeding on the rich plants and grasses.
Come evening time I hear them again,
honk-honk-honk-honk-honk honk,
returning whence they came.

Off to sleep now.
Goodnight ;-) X

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