By lizzie_birkett


I spied a spider on my tomato plants, with it’s dinner hanging in the larder!
A beautiful day! I love this time of year. :-D
I’ve got some gardening to do - I bought some lovely Cyclamen at Aldi - I hope they survive as I’m not usually very lucky with them.
Before we left for Scotland the swallows were all on the telegraph wires making a wonderful racket - now they’re gone:-/

Farewell Swallows

When we returned home
we found the swallows had left,
the summer is almost done
and I felt somewhat bereft.

I saw them just a week ago,
gathering on the wires
chitter-chattering, making plans,
to leave early it transpires.

I wonder where they are now,
how far they might have flown,
maybe a thousand miles away
through other time zones.

But their leaving is soon forgotten
Autumn ushers in new delights
From Scandinavia and beyond
other birds will grace our skies.

Blip done early today!
Hope you’re having a good day!

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