The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

The Lady of the House

Mama Cardinal has been sitting on her nest for a while now and is one very strong and determined lady. As a matter of fact I'm so impressed with just how tough she is I call her Brick. She built her nest in a bush just outside our front door, a smart move when you think about it since the critters, snakes, and other birds that might threaten the eggs and little ones don't come in this close. Tough and smart, a winning combination.

In the time she has been sitting on the nest she seems to have become accustomed to our comings and goings, though on occasion, if I'm a little too clumsy for her liking, she will drop to the ground and do the "look at me, I'm a poor little injured bird dance" intent on leading the big ugly guy away from the nest.

Yesterday, a severe storm front swept through the area with torrential rains, thunder and lightning, and winds gusting up to 60 MPH. When I went out this morning to look I was afraid I would find the nest gone, but there they were, Mama and her nest. She's sitting higher in the nest so I'm thinking that during the storm or in its aftermath the eggs may have hatched. If so I hope the little ones are OK.

Not wanting to scare her off the nest I used my long lens and quietly stood outside the entryway to the house to get this shot of Mama Cardinal on her nest. It's at the far reach of the lens and is tightly cropped, but ladies and gentlemen - meet Brick.

....and the adventure continues.

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