Bee And ?

I'm not very good with plants so I don't know what this is, no doubt somebody will enlighten me.

Spotted on my walk this afternoon, as were the sheep in the extra. I did see a horse too, but I only got the rear end. The rider saw my camera and said that's a good way to spend an afternoon, I said you too, and she said touché. Does that mean I won?

I also spent some time playing with Tiny Planet, reminded by mambo's blip yesterday. It's a pic I took at Cheltenham Town last month. It works quite well when you have a clean skyline. I must experiment more.

I did drag myself out to the camera club get together at the pub yesterday evening. It seems like we are going to have quite a few new members this year. Drat, that means even more competition :-)

One year ago:
Van Gogh's Ear?

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