Street Lamp Cloudscape

I think I’ve really ‘hit the wall’ today, with very little energy or inspiration. We manage a quick trip to Llandudno and a West Shore walk, but the light is uninspiring in terms of beachscapes. I quite like the street lamps placed along the narrow promenade, and the way the cloudscape seems to be refracted in the glass. Back home, I find myself drawn to editing in Distressed App once more which emphasises this effect. 

I don’t normally do Silly Saturday - but I thought I’d add a silly shot in extras. Full disclosure - it’s not my shot, but one taken by Solveig. We were talking about Emperor Penguins, how I’d really love to see them, but the likelihood of us getting to South Georgia was pretty remote. Daniel tells us there’s an app which uses CGI, and somehow they use it to place a penguin next to G. I don’t think he’s impressed by the monkey nuts on offer, but there are no fish handy! 

 Hopefully normal photographic service will resume tomorrow! 

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments about our garden in response to yesterday’s extras! It’s mostly down to G - I just do the planting! 

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