Karaoke, Eileen?

After the conference has wrapped up for the day, Matt and I go for a meal with James Shore, Melissa Perri and two relatives youngsters from Artium, Kaelin and Shannon.

It’s a lovely restaurant, if a bit loud, called the Lockeland Table. I’m still eating mainly veggie, and it’s lovely, but when the Melissa’s steak gets the better of her, I step in to wolf it down.

Then it’s off to the Atrium karaoke night at Sid Gold’s Request Room. I’m not a singer and I’ve never done karaoke. Matt signed up to sing Come On Eileen and by the time he’s called I’ve had enough beer and bourbon not to refuse his invitation to join him.

We murder the song. So badly that Jenny T jumps in to assist. Hopefully no eardrums were destroyed by our lack of artistry.

I retire to front of house to drown my embarrassment with a bourbon or two with Sath. Tomorrow is going to be tough.

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