Got It!

This morning G and I met JohnRH and W to do the Bayfield Bird Walk, always a delight. There was not much to see and photograph on the way round, but when we got to the ford at Glandford we saw this gorgeous dog having a fabulous time retrieving a stick that his owners were repeatedly throwing. They told us he'd rolled in a very muddy puddle, so they'd bought him to the ford to clean off. He was soooooo excited. Once clean, they headed back to their car and the dog ran ahead, jumped in to the open hatchback and repeatedly shook himself. So, muddy dog in car or wet car - take your pick! I also did the final top coat on the three new garage shelves today (dried in the garage due to forecast rain which hasn't arrived), and took three big bags of things to the charity shop. So many tourists around in Holt today, in Sept tourists tend to be from an older age group, and browsing the independent shops in Holt seems to be a big draw. Just waiting now to hear our new PM's first speech outside No. 10.

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