Taste It!

We did, and it was delicious - both the stonebaked pizza and the handmade gelato (I had white chocolate cheesecake, total yum), made by a guy from Naples, been here five years.

I've been wanting an ice-cream for ages, but I'd rather wait than have any sort, so Julia researched best ice-cream in Manchester, and this place sounded good because Tom looooves pizza. We were rather discombobulated when there was no parking, and only two seats in the place, but glad we made it work, definitely worth it.

And, as you can see, Julia is feeling a lot better, long may it last.

- having Eden asleep in bed with me this morning after Tom went to work; I did the usual finger under nostrils a couple of times to make sure she was still breathing; she was so still!
- Mike making it safely to the conference in Portugal, with a carload of Brazilians, and Victor, the Portuguese pastor we worked with for our first year
- good rain in the night, but enough sun during the day to get the washing dried on the line

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