She Peed On The Floor

I was out making sure the monsters got off to school, then off to do the meal run.
As I arrived back I saw one of the more petite girls being 'assisted' in getting onto the office ... outside, headfirst through the hopper window with the aid of a chair. I suggested that using the door might be easier. Apparently the girl managed to lock the door on leaving the office and if there is a key, it would be in the key-safe .... in the office.

The massive thunder and lightning storm arrived just as Squirrel was leaving the school. The monsoon style rain that accompanied it didn't go down very well with squirrel wo was soak through long before the 3 minute journey to our house was completed.
It stopped as I drew up at the school door to collect The Cygnet after his after school club.

The other job this afternoon was to go and collect Bags' car from the garage. I had pointed out an oil leak last week. It turned out there was some damage to a sump seal which they replaced free of charge (they had most likely not fitted it properly when they did the service a couple of weeks ago).

Until SWMBO peed on the floor (there was a naughty word used) I had planned on using a picture of either the box on the pot I photographed earlier (they are over here). I thought it was very funny as she had just made a comment about how I always seem to drop a couple of peas on the floor ..... and then half the bag ended up there.

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