
By antipodean

Warm Bodies

This was taken at lunch, where I managed to get some quite nice photos and keep up with the conversation (sort of). Apologies to Phoebe and Henry, who tolerated my distraction pretty well!

My day didn't start well, with an angry call to my phone company, getting rained on as I job hunted and slow internet causing all sorts of troubles for me and Dad. On the plus side, our washing machine was finally fixed - it's been out of action for ages now and we had to use Mum's over the weekend so it's a relief to have it working again!

This afternoon was way better - Phoebe and Henry picked me up and we went to lunch at a cafe I've driven past a hundred times but never been to, and then we went to see Warm Bodies. Holy wow is it a good movie. It's sweet and hilarious and sort of takes the piss out of both zombie movies and indie rom coms. Teresa Palmer was awesome as a kick-arse zombie killer (Aussies represent) and Nicholas Hoult was fabulous even though he spent most of the film grunting and eating body parts. My decade long crush on him is clearly still going strong (yeah, I think I'm the only weird person who thought he was cute in About A Boy!).

The light fixtures in the cafe were too awesome not to take a photo of, and for all that this is a bit more artsy than I usually go for, I really like it! I'll always love the fact that taking a photo of lights in a brightly lit room gives you this effect - it's basic, I know, but it just looks so cool.

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