Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Dog Gone

It may not be a greatest photograph today, but it does reveal a great mystery.
I stopped off to see this wee guy after my classes this evening and sure enough as I first approached he barked angrily, but then gingerly approached me, wagging his tail as usual.
His persona seemed a lot different than last time though, he seemed less confident and a bit more timid than before. His appearance looked off too, although I couldn't put my finger on why - and I wondered if he'd been cleaned up and given a good wash.

But in fact, to my surprise, when I got home and compared the pictures they are in fact two different dogs. Yet the dog above is in the exact same place and has the exact same life of the previous one - who is now nowhere to be found.
It looks as though this 'new' dog may be the offspring of dog number one, but why the switcheroo? And where has the original dog gone?
Strange stuff indeed.

I often fear the worst when a dog simply vanishes in Korea, and so I'll be keeping an eye on this young pup and seeing if I can work out just what kind of tomfoolery is afoot.

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