Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Boxing Clever

Another unlikely blip today as, devoid of ideas, I took the longboard out (including having to pretend not to be embarassed after half-falling off at a crosswalk) and made my way to a place where I knew there was some street art worth recording.
I accidentally went over a neighbourhood too far though, and when doubling back came across a street full of food vendors.
Mostly selling sea creatures or vegetables, they're scattered throughout the city and are always an interesting sight. They're also damn hard to photograph though, as you have to get up close and they're almosy exclusively camera shy.
My new camera has one of those flip-out screens however, so you can hold it up above crowds or close to the ground, and still look at what's going on. So now I can hold the camera at stomach level, and look down at the screen as I walk past the vendors - secretly snapping away as I go.
It still rarely produces anything of note to be honest - but i was quite taken with this one, the hardworking old lady lost in a sea of produce and packaging.

'Old age is no place for sissies.'
- Bette Davis


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