
By mollyblobs


While Alex worked, I went for a walk round Stanground Wash NR, a site I used to photograph regularly for the BCN Wildlife Trust, but which I hadn't visited recently. 

On the way I stopped at the bridge over Moreton's Leam to watch and photograph dragonflies, mostly Migrant Hawkers, which are the easiest species to catch in flight because they often stop and hover in one position. There was also a Willow Emerald by a small Blackthorn bush close to the water's edge.

The site looked much the same as ever. The raised railway embankment had clearly been very parched for much of the summer, but this hadn't bothered the lichens and mosses, which seemed more abundant than ever. 

There was plenty of vegetation in the ditches, including two Red List species, Water-violet and Frogbit. The former has been known from the site for many years, but I've  never seen Frogbit here before - this seems to be a continuation of its takeover of areas of slack water in the Nene upstream of Peterborough.

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