Cwm Idwal

We have no intention of driving into Snowdonia and hiking up to Llyn Idwal, but my wonderful G rescues me from sinking into deep despair by bundling me into the car complete with walking gear and setting off on a mystery tour which takes us inland up the Conwy valley. 

The dark and dismal weather on the coast echoes my mood and bodes badly for the chance of decent walking weather in the mountains - yet amazingly the skies are brighter there. And now school holidays are over, there’s at least a chance of parking. We’ve stayed away from Snowdonia through the summer, but now we have a chance to reclaim one of our favourite haunts. 

Out time is short, so we can only climb up to the Cwm and spend a brief time at the lake before returning down the hill. But it’s time enough for the beauty of this rugged landscape to lift my spirits. 

My main is a view across Llyn Idwal (better large on black if you have time) with an extra showing a different far more ominous view across the other side towards the Devil’s Kitchen - and a collage of other mountain views. 

Thanks for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for Wednesday’s Traeth Lafan set; it didn’t seem appropriate to add this to my entry yesterday. 

Edit: seeing that most people seem to prefer the darker Devil’s Kitchen shot, I’m bowing to public opinion and swapping them around. I was very torn between the two, but felt that technically, the brighter side was a better photo - and I’m really keen to use my 90D for landscape shots rather then relying on the iPhone - especially as I’ve made the effort to carry it with me on the walk! 

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