Un peth yn arwain at un arall, eto

Un peth yn arwain at un arall, eto ~ One thing leads to another, again

“In an initial period, Photography, in order to surprise, photographs the notable; but soon , by a familiar reversal, it decrees notable whatever it photographs.”
—Roland Barthes

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Rhwystrwyd y sinc oherwydd gwneud jam → ceisiais i ei drwsio → ond gorlifais i'r cwpwrdd → felly roedd rhaid i ni ei gwagio...

Wel, roedden ni eisiau farnais i mewn i'r cwpwrdd beth bynnag, felly roedd hwn yn amser da.

Un peth yn arwain at un arall, eto.

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The sink was blocked due to making jam → I tried to fix it → but I flooded the cupboard → so we had to empty it...

Well, we wanted to varnish inside the cupboard anyway, so this was a good time.

One thing leads to another, again.

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