Bydysawd cyfochrog

Bydysawd cyfochrog ~ Parallel universe

“When I make a photograph I feel that I hold a piece of the universe in my hands.”
—Paul Chaplo

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Aethon ni i Barc y Rhath heddiw, ac ar ôl cerdded o gwmpas y llyn gwnes i ddarganfod fy mod i wedi colli i un o fy nghymhorthion clyw. Roeddwn i'n siŵr fy mod i wedi bod yn ei gwisgo pan gadawon ni'r tŷ. Felly roedd rhaid i mi olrhain fy nghamau o gwmpas y llyn - ond dim lwc. Felly yna Gwnes i ei adrodd i'r caffi yn y gobaith y byddai rhywun yn ei roi i mewn.

Felly yna roeddwn i'n dechrau meddwl am yswiriant, archebu cymorth clyw newydd, ymweld â'r awdiolegydd i'w ffitio, yr holl fydysawd cymhleth fi mod i wedi angen i ddelio gyda'r sefyllfa,..  Ond pan gyrhaeddon  i adre - yno yr oedd, yn ddiogel, lle roeddwn i wedi ei adael, wedi anghofio ei roi i mewn yn y lle cyntaf.

Y peth mwyaf diddorol oedd gweld y bydysawd cyfochrog cymhleth yn dymchwel o flaen fy llygaid. Ac yna roeddwn i'n ôl i'r realiti hwn.

(Cawson ni hefyd amser difyr iawn wrth y llyn)

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We went to Roath Park today, and after walking around the lake I discovered that I had lost one of my hearing aids. I was sure I had been wearing it when we left the house. So I had to retrace my steps around the lake - but no luck. So then I reported it to the cafe in the hope that someone would give it in.

So then I started thinking about insurance, ordering a new hearing aid, visiting the audiologist to get it fitted, the whole complicated universe that I needed to deal with the situation,.. But when we got home - there it was, safe, where I had left it, having forgotten to put it in in the first place.

The most interesting thing was seeing the complex parallel universe collapse before my eyes. And then I was back to this reality.

(We also had a very enjoyable time at the lake)

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