A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Blip & Booster

This might seem an odd blip given today's events but if ever there was a person to personify 'keep calm and carry on' it was Elizabeth Windsor. 

Thank you, Ma'am.

Anyway, the guests in the Blue room commented that the TV signal was a bit rubbish, as indeed it turned out to be (typically such a comment relates to watching the wrong channel; one not provided by our 'local' transmitter).

A quick scan of other TV's indicated that this was a pervasive problem.  It might have been so for weeks given how little we watch live TV.  With today's events, I felt a need to get something working and so revisited Cthulhu's nest of DIY cables in the loft.  Whilst this wasn't quite in the league of the telephone wiring, or indeed the (now replaced) mains wiring, it was in much the same style.  There is still one cable end missing... 

Post blip note, having managed to lash enough together for 24 hours, a professional came and started measuring things.  It transpires that the 'booster in the loft was outputting less signal than it was receiving. The blip isn't the booster, it's one of three additional splitters! 

Replacing the booster, removing all the splitters we could find, and renewing a few cables and connections, all the active TVs now have buckets of signal now, so everyone has been able to watch as events unfold.

The title might tickle a few memory cells of those of us who watched Blue Peter in black & white... :o)

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