Smoke trails - first attempt

As ever, I have arrived late to this particular creative party - smoke trails seem to be something that a number of fellow (and well respected) blippers have done in the past.

However, I haven't so I had a go. I intend to go back and do some more, because I think I might have the measure of it...although my initial attemptsmight not seem like it.

Busy day today at work, but productive.

And I took the two canvases round to my friend's house tonight and she seemed to really like them. Had a brew and a good chinwag which was just what i needed at the end of the day as well. So thanks Lindsey!

And whilst showing a friend at work the pictures of recent canvases, I have been commissioned by another colleague to create an abstract series for her bedroom - which I am quite looking forward to.

Monday is becoming a late night blip, all because of DCI Gene Hunt ( I think I have a crush on a sexist TV cop....its like I have time warped back 20+ years!)

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