
Even when they have their flight feathers there are some kids that just don't want to leave home. Here you have it and the only way I can tell them apart is the tiny white feathers on the head of the youngster which haven't fallen out yet.

There were a whole series of shots and with the shutter being silent apart from looking at the counter I was clueless. 30 fps is a staggering number of shots and I was deleting for Britain however I've never seen anything like this - capturing so many things that I would miss. 

I have a lot to learn and because I wear glasses there is a problem with the eye focusing scenario which is ...if my pupil picks up what I want to photograph then the camera locks into that. Clever but maybe I need to wear contacts to make it work? Not sure yet but on the dog walk I saw a dragonfly.  It was on the hedge and just hanging thankfully for ages! Could I get the camera to do what I wanted well no! Had it been flying like the female was, around me, I would have been stuffed honestly. Learning curve here for sure.

I think it looks like I've sharpened it but I haven't - might be Blip?

Extra wings from great tit in flight

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