
By SeeingGodInAll

Flopsy and Mopsy

“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”
1 Corinthians 3v7
Just one of the pictures showing my daughter where her plants have been put around my house. The silly ceramic rabbits always amuse me. And have been named unusually for me. And the verse above is quite comforting if any of them die off over the next four months I shall know who to blame!
Went to work today, cleaned the cottage and welcome the next tenants who are staying for two weeks while they are having their house renovated. Lovely FaceTime calls with both daughters. One is now in Spain and the other goes off to Argentina tomorrow. Little Xavier wanted to show me his Thomas the Tank engine. He keeps asking me who the different engines are. Probably because we read so many of the books together. It’s so cute. Missing their cuddles

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