Construction Report

This monster cat appeared parked at the side of our narrow little road. It's been sitting there for several days with no sign of moving. I've given up being curious as to the purpose of the myriad construction vehicles we see (and hear) all around us, but this one does seem far too heavy duty for anything it's likely to encounter on our road.  It has special purpose appendages front and back, but it is far from clear what the purposes are other than demolishing everything in its path!  

We sleep with our bedroom door open just about every night. We never dreamed that there would ever be a time when there was such a steady stream of heavy construction vehicles going up Los Alamos Road behind our house at 7am, but that, in fact, is what wakes us up most mornings.
Very few houses survived up in the hills and it's difficult to tell whether they are clearing land of burned trees or building new houses up there. Probably some of both.

The house closest to us looks like it is mostly finished, if it weren't for the broken concrete,  piles of dirt and chips from the eucalyptus trees. They seem to be attacking the outside areas, breaking up concrete with jackhammers and preparing for some kind of hardscaping around the house. That begins at 7am also with a very cheerful crew having their morning meeting before hitting the jackhammers. 

We're researching planting vines on the fence, as the open view we found rather nice after the fire burned down the old solid fence is less charming now that long as piles of rubble are becoming a permanent part of the landscape. I don't think landscaping the field outside our door has ever been a priority, and it certainly isn't now....

There are even more piles of rubble on the other side opposite our porch, but there must be some kind of plan for them as they are not on the property of the people who are building the big house on the small lot, but on that of the neighbor.... 

So that's the construction report for the moment. Moises, our window washer is coming tomorrow morning at 7am so at least we'll have our own reason for being up early

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