
By annhall

Cuisinart Express

I am so excited-I have finally broken down and purchased a Cuisinart food processor! I have been lusting after one for many years. I was a housewares buyer when they first came to America and I saw them demonstrated by chefs at the housewares show in Chicago. It was so exciting! I would see-saw back and forth with the -do I need another appliance?-to-oh, think of all the wonderful things I could do! Well as I move into more vegeterian cooking and dipping my toes into vegan cooking, it became more important. I shopped for one, and brought it home, and then opened the box and it said - you must watch the DVD before unpacking, so that became another project. Well- I started watching the chef and got really excited about all of the wonderful things it would allow me to I will really unpack it soon and get cooking. My husband says potato pancakes should be the first thing I make, and I know it can do them well. His birthday is Saturday, so that will be his birthday dinner!
So you will probably be seeing some food pictures coming up in the future!
Just saw the Blip tree notice-how lovely to see the connections- I continually thank Creative Lenna for introducing me to this wonderful world!

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