the not so perfect…


of a hummingbird moth

4 flights up

because life’s not perfect - is it? - i’d venture to say - “no, it’s not” - it’s really rather - messy at times - and so i decided - to post a not - so perfect picture - truth be told - i had a - difficult time trying - to get a - perfect shot anyway - 4 flights up - wind blowing, dealing with - the boo who was - moth stalking while i - was attempting to - get my shot - plus trying to find - a clear spot - through a plate glass - window and screen - talk about messy - sigh

but that’s life - and we all deal - with it constantly - to ignore it - just wouldn’t be - honest and that’s - not who i am - i would rather post - the real, imperfect - and gritty photo - that represents how - it truly was - that i can look - back on, saying - “oh, i remember…” - for it’s those - moments which will lead to…


happy day.....

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