
By CreativeCarol

"April Showers Bring May Flowers!"

Rain, Rain, and more Rain. The rain started last night (April 30th) and continued through this morning, and this afternoon, and it is still raining! We so needed the rain. I guess I have been so focused on many important things, that I had not even walked outside to see that our Magnolia trees were full of buds. When I pulled in the driveway this evening after a late rehearsal from church, I saw the first bloom. Yeah!

I was determined to get a photo of this flower for my blip. I had to look very desperate to my neighbors as they drove by. I was outside with a huge golf umbrella on my tippy toes taking pictures of my tree, trying not to let my camera get wet! I am sure I will get comments and questions tomorrow from them. I think at least half of my street drove by very slowly looking!

I love my daughter and my granddaughter very much. But I did a little dance this evening, when my son-in-law came to pick both of them up to take them back to their home. She felt well enough to try staying at her home to recuperate. I desperately need a little time to myself to rejuvenate.

I am enjoying catching up with so many inspiring photos that everyone has posted.

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