Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Birthday's Eve in his Peacoat

I love love love love love love love this.

So today got better. I got out of bed in the afternoon and by the evening, stepped outside in the garden for these.

Hoping for a beautiful birthday for Reuben and really just for all round good health. It's been a rocky week.

Reuben read a chapter of Fantastic Mr Fox this evening (he's been reading it on and off for 7 months and boy has it been impossible til now to get it on video).

And can I just add that Reuben's clearly looking for loose change in his pockets for a pint (thanks Charles).

Oh the expectations and dreams I had exactly 6 years ago this evening. How utterly untrue they became and despite the highs and lows of the last 6 years, how unbelievably, gobsmacking proud am I of Reuben.

Tune in tomorrow for our 1,000th Blip on Reuben's 6th birthday.

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