Remembering The Queen ....

... by Mia.

Yesterday, Mia told me that they had talked about The Queen at Kindy.  And that she had drawn The Queen's house.

Isabella said, 'But you don't know what her house looks like.'

'I just drew her a house anyway.'  Mia replied.

'We've been doing things for The Queen too.'  Isabella said.  And then wouldn't tell us what.  It was probably the cardboard box she'd come out with, that was decorated like a house.

Anyway, Mia came out with her paintings today.

The one on the left is the rainbow, that shone over the palaces.

The middle one is The Queen's house.

The one on the right is The Queen.

I'm glad they are discussing what is going on at the moment with the children at school and kindy.

Then tonight, whilst we were waiting for Isabella to finish her acrobatics class, I was going through the alphabet with her.

'Q is for....' I said.

'Queen,' she replied, 'The dead Queen.'  And she carried on colouring!

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