He'd lose his wings at the dawn of day.

Some work round at the daughter’s, bodging a couple of pieces of wood to fill old gaps at the bottom of their mantelpiece. I came out and their cat was on my car roof. It wouldn’t shoosh off either, preferring to do that clawy thing in the air that cats do. I opened the driver's door and it shot inside and lost itself inside as the back seats were down. Honestly, what a life. 
Then a trip to her auntie via Sainsbury’s to pick up milk and Harvey’s Bristol Cream. And biscuits and tins of soup. That’s what old people eat.
Later, to the Diggery Dogs. Fekk me, it was so busy I couldn’t get a seat! Though when MrW arrived some came free. Just a foursome, with AJ and MrT, fresh from a fall into the canal from his bike. Nothing like as impressive as mine. Apparently the other Granny let her buggy run into the canal whilst looking after minky a couple of days back. Minky is very talkative about it. Granny’s coat! Her coat! Her teddy bear. Her sunglasses. All in the canal. Nightmares for years to come…   
Oh and the angel wings split in two and fell off the shed. I’m onto it.

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