This is the day

By wrencottage

Walk Local – Talk Local

On our walk this morning to the Churchill statue and back, I spotted this unusual sight, which I have never noticed before; a metal bowler hat affixed to a concrete post! Intrigued, I went closer, only to see a sign fixed to the ground nearby with the words "One of the few to see his own statue" beside a QR code which could be scanned for more information. (See extras.)

When we got back home I looked it up, and discovered that Redbridge Council has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund's Welcome Back Fund "to support our town centres and high streets to recover from the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic". 

Their website says this: "To celebrate the stories of our town centres we have launched three public audio trails called Walk Local – Talk Local. Each trail features audio clips from residents sharing the history, personal memories and hopes for the future of their area. Along the trails there are several art works that relate to some of the stories. The audio clips are accessible through physical QR codes printed on nearly 90 plaques attached to lampposts, traffic signs and on the pavement."

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