Breaking even

“If I were to ride a bicycle to work, I could probably do without public transport tickets. And if I do it for two years, I could easily budget the same amount on a bicycle as I would have spent on the metro.”

”I wonder what sort of bicycle that would get me…”

It has been two years (minus one day, but ironically I won’t be riding it tomorrow). Add some equipment, repairs and the occasional tube ticket; I may not have reached break-even quite yet, but it’s not far off. And so, as of now, every day I ride to work is a day that I save money compared to our public transportation.

Not that it was ever about money, really. It was just a guideline. This is about staying healthy. With 4,722 km on the GPS - yep, I’m doing quite alright in that department.

Bicycle itself is still in very good shape, considering what I’m putting it through with heavy start-stop traffic no matter the weather.

Photographed leaning against the milestone of my #100 blip, because it felt like an appropriate setting.

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