Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Gulf frittilary

I saw this butterfly this morning floating around where I have been seeing the caterpillars...which are still there in various sizes.  I have looked all over the old bike for a cocoon but don't see any.   I don't know if this butterfly is a new butterfly or maybe one that is depositing more eggs.  

In any case she sure is pretty!!   Isn't it amazing how each side of her wings has so many repeating designs?     

Another broken up night of sleeping but I did get four hours at one stretch.  I think changing the time of the pain/anti-inflammatory med helps the dog to rest.  During the day she naps a long time so yesterday evening I made her stay out in the yard with me, walking and just laying on the grass.   This morning she had a major fall/slide down the steps. She tried to go upstairs to be with Jerry while I was in the kitchen.  She slid down most of the steps backwards before I could grab her.  Luckily she did not appear hurt other than being bewildered looking.   This happened the only time I forgot to put the dining chair in front of the steps.   Learned my lesson.   I think I may be buying a baby gate to keep her off the steps even though the chair seems to keep her from trying to go up.     Overall she is doing much better in being able to get herself up to stand and moving around.    Another week on the meds then we will have reevaluate the maintenance dosage.

Still really cool and pleasant in the mornings here but the forecast for next week is back up to the high 90s.   Typical autumn weather in September in South Carolina.    Mother Nature likes to tease us!!  

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