
By schorschi

Cuckoo has arrived today

Germans like to have everything clearly defined and regulated, in many cases a good thing. Look for the "§" (parapgraph) sign and you know you will probably need a lawyer soon.
As far as transport is concerned the main things are the StVO (Road Traffic Act) or StVZO (Vehicle Licensing Act). There are clear rules for the build of horse carriages (§ 30 StVZO) (eg height of lamps, reflectors, brakes etc) or the StVO regulating what you can/cannot do with your carriage, basically same as for motor vehicles.

When it comes to mobile telephones the StVO is clear, 40 Euros & a point in a car, 25 Euros on a bike (only 5 Euros for riding free-handed) BUT phoning on a horse is not an offence as the leading of a horse whether on foot or mounted falls under a seperate category [§ 28 StVO (Tiere)]where it is not included; riding on the side of the road is however clearly defined in § 41 III Nr. 3b StVO

Hope I've got my facts right but will check it out in July when some experts from the long arm of the law are due to visit. However in advance, mobile use while riding is not to be recommended.

Can't remember it being so in the UK, but here it is very common to have a "legal fees" insurance. We have one & even had to use it last year in a case against the state of Bavaria which we eventually won in the State court. Would have probably cost at least a 5 figure sum. Down side is that there is a tendency to go to court over the smallest trivial things.

Angie had a good ride out with Rosie and the dogs and came home safely. Smile on her face was not for the camera and had something to do with the call probably from one of her FC Bayern Munich fan friends!

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