Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Slugging it out

I'm keen to attract wildlife to my garden and included that in the brief to the garden designer.  I'm not entirely sure this was what I had in mind though.  However, apart from a piece of carrot which got dropped and which he tucked into with gusto, there doesn't seem to be anything much in the back garden that they like.  Unlike the front garden where they munch their way through the Hostas despite the copious quantities of eggshells I've put down to deter them.

A bit of a tortuous journey into Norwich this afternoon to get an X-ray on my dodgy knee.  I'd almost forgotten that the surgery had recommended it especially as the exercises the Physio gave me seem to have largely resolved the problem.  I still get the odd twinge going up stairs though, so I suppose it's good to have a reference point to see if it gets worse.

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