Putting Myself in the Frame

This is the Nave portion of the Millennium Clock Tower in the Royal Scottish Museum.
The whole complicated tower was designed by 4 craftsmen to depict ' human suffering of the 20th century embodied and trapped within the endless prisons of time'. Not so cheery then.

The Nave is the portion of the clock wherein people live, love and die. The convex mirror reflects anyone looking into it, seeming to include them in the cycle of life.

There's a fascinating description of the whole Clock Tower on the Internet

To cheerier matters: His Lordship has shed his zombie like condition of yesterday and is now very wary of taking any painkillers calling themselves Dihydrocodeine.

With his joie de vivre regained, he packed his case in 30 minutes. This is in contrast to my packing which started about three days ago, but is ongoing, with fine tuning paramount.

I must look up BA's luggage requirements. It would never do, as we have seen done on our various travels, to have to decant possessions from cases to bags at the check- in, in order to comply with the airline baggage restrictions.

I think there is something to be said for travelling in the clothes you stand up in and then buying what you need in the country you are travelling to.
It's not as if it's a desert island we're heading for, after all.

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