The Badge of Authenticity

Today's lunch complete with feather: a badge of authenticity

Another Wednesday, but today his Lordship has no pals to play with. Perhaps it is just as well, as the painkillers the doctor gave him for the pulled muscle in his back has turned him into a zombie. Not only that, but they haven't seemed to do much for the pain, although I have to admit, the house has been very quiet and peaceful throughout his taking of them. They have now been stopped and hopefully he will return to his usual bright alert self, with the pain concentrating his mind wonderfully.

As for me, I am in the middle of the usual pre holiday ritual of trying to leave everything clean and tidy: towels and bedding washed, kitchen sparkling, floors you could eat your food off, furniture shining and plants watered.

Why do I feel the need to do this? A good question. Although daughter #2 will be staying in the house on two nights a week, she is hardly going to notice the odd dust mote lingering untouched. So perhaps it's a little OCD behaviour- I've always had my suspicions.

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