
The fox came many more times than in this video, and so did two different badgers.

Poor Midnight. He had a frustrating night. He spent the early part of the evening in my kitchen, and was playing with his catnip fish. It was nearly midnight, 12 midnight (!), when he went outside presumably assuming the fox and badgers had been and gone. But little did he know his troubles were about to begin...and the fox and badgers made many more appearances, even during the time of this video, than I have shown. Finally at 2 pm after the indignity of falling off the swing, and then getting soaked, he then came into the kitchen again, had some comfort food, played with his catnip fish again, and went out again at 4:30 am, thinking the rest of the night would be peaceful. Alas for the poor fox, Midnight had plenty of pent up frustration and aggression left...

When Midnight was on the the ground on his fallen (favourite?) blankets, both fox and badgers came in several times. I had difficulty putting so many video clips together in the video app, it kept altering the part of the clip I wanted to be seen, and also it kept changing the order of events!?!?! I think this was the 6th video I made, and it still didn't have everything in that I had planned. This video was in my 'I give up with this lark' phase...

And I am not washing those blankets in my washing machine, that Midnight accidentally pulled off the swing...and that the badgers used as a scent marker several times in the night...

No music today, the actual two main natural sound effects are impressive enough...


Creative is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. Finally the app is working with the latest IOS software.

It looked a clear starry night last night. But now as dawn breaks, the clouds are gathering...

Another cuppa needed...

Have a good day.

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