Everybody Wants To Be A Cat

After the Panto read through on Wednesday, it all kicked up a gear today when we got a chance to run a few scenes on stage, giving everyone a chance to try out for as many characters as they fancied. It also meant the director could get an initial feel for how those characters might be portrayed. A great deal of fun and some quite different “interpretations” of some of the parts. As we left, we put our names on a flip chart against which part(s) we wanted to be considered for, and now it’s down to the director to cast the show.
For some parts there is going to be a lot of competition, and I suspect a few people are going to be disappointed. Hopefully, they will be offered something else which will enable them to show off their talents. I put my name down against three characters and, though there is one I would really like, I won’t be unhappy with whatever I’m given. Assuming I’m given any part of course!
But even if I am lucky enough to get the part I want, I won’t be able to rehearse any scenes for a couple of weeks as there are only two weeks to go until the play in Lancaster is on, and there are still an awful lot of things to be sorted for that production.
I have a very busy month ahead!

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