By lizzie_birkett

The Kindness of Strangers

Someone in Hellifield answered a post that my friend Angie put on Facebook asking for a bike for Yurii. It was a local man and he invited us round to collect it for free. It’s a good one too and he gave us a new spare tyre, an inner tube and a pump. Yurii is chuffed with it.
We watched Her Majesty’s funeral on the telly. When she first died I had no thoughts of watching it as I am not into royalty. However there is no denying that she was a remarkable woman who did her duty by our country for 70 years. I was surprised at how sad I felt watching her kids, her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Whatever views any of us have on her death she was loved by her family, they will miss her like we would miss a close relative. I really loved watching the pipe and brass bands and the marching. Those young pall bearers did a grand job and will remember the day for as long as they live. 


A kindness payed forward
Is a kindness worthwhile 
No matter if you never see
The recipient’s grateful smile.

If someone does you a kindness
and you find you can’t repay 
make a promise to pay it forward
to another person one day.



Queueing for the bus
I was before you!
Queueing at the checkout
buying 3 for 2.
Queueing for a train ticket
Hurry, it’s at the platform!
Queueing in a traffic jam
when the weather is too warm.
Queueing for the toilet
I’m dying for a wee!
Queueing for a hip replacement
or maybe a new knee
Queueing at the food bank
‘Wait your turn! I’m hungry too!’
Queueing at the airport
to remove a belt or shoes.
But Queueing for her Majesty
to bow and pay their respects is
queueing on a different level.
Her faithful subjects.

Sorry for the lack of comments yesterday, I have sprinkled stars.

Goodnight :-)X

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