lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo


I've not seen any ducklings yet this year which makes me sad. But I did spot two moorhenlings this evening. They are so tiny I almost missed them. Their parents are letting them wander quite far from them which isn't a great sign really while they are so little.

Back at work today. Also hayfever seems to have kicked in so I don't feel great. I was in good time this morning until I reached into the box under my bed and managed to get 2 splinters from the wooden bed frame. Stupid cheap crap. I got one of them out but couldn't get the second. It was quite long though and caused me problems whenever I tried to bend my hand so I had to stay there until I could get it out. I still got to work at 9 by my watch but apparently I'm meant to be there before 9 for it to count. Stupid office politics.

I saw the counsellor for the second time this evening. I feel like I'm not really expressing how I feel, more rambling and repeating myself. I don't know why I feel so bad and lacking in confidence. I am so much happier than I used to be but I still have these mood swings and dark thoughts where I want to shut everybody out and just hide under the duvet and mope.

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