
Xander brought home a a book from school yesterday called ' Blackbeards last stand ' for those that don't know, he became one of the most famous pirates of all time. 

this morning when he had done his spelling homework I asked if he would read me a chapter of his book. And we sat at the table together. I enjoy that time. 

After, I worked on Lincolns spelling with him. He is working on the 'er' sound. And then I did Harps homework,  I read her new book and got her to draw her favourite part. We drew a ladybug together that had learned to fly. 

I scrubbed all the kitchen tiles this morning a d cleaned up the grout. I didn't think it looked too dirty until it had been scrubbed. ( bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and warm water ). I have held back on the cleaning today as my awful shoulder is in a flare up and my good one is sore. Not a good night last night.  

Lincoln stayed of school today as he had a hospital appointment to see about his tonsil,  one is huge, she wants to see him in 3 moths time . The jedi didn't have a good morning,  he was quite unsettled,  he hasn't liked his routine being changed. He was unhappy on the buses and at the hospital so when it came to Lincoln seeing the consultant I gave the jedi kids YouTube on my phone. It kept him happy for a while. 

Its been a chilled out afternoon,  I lay on the sofa for 20 minutes.  Not sleeping  , just waiting for my painkillers to kick in. The wildlings were so good and just let me lie. 

Xander had a good day at school.  He didn't get voted onto the school tower Council.  There is a child from each primary class voted on. He missed out on it and I could tell he was a little disappointed.  Lincoln has been voted on but there is only two primary 2 kids and I'm sure the young girl was on it last year so linc was I guess guaranteed the spot this year.  

Mr R was held up in a meeting for quite a few hours today. I spoke to him earlier and  he's told me to have dinner with the wildlings so that I can take my strong painkillers when he comes home and nap if I need to. Well the painkillers knock me out for at least 3 hours. They should help more but my body is obviously use to them now. 

Oh here's a tip for blip. We have had some fruit flies which we have never had before. So I looked online what could be done with them. Anyway a glass with a little white vinegar and washing up liquid and water does the trick. Leave it on the side of the counter and it attracts the flies. They are no more at the moment.  

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