Autumn Equinox

In the Northern Hemisphere September 22 is celebrated as the Autumnal (Fall) Equinox. Father Sun has crossed the celestial equator and is heading south. Day and Night are equal. Tomorrow sunlight begins to wane and the nights begin to get a bit longer. For an interesting explanation of the Spiritual aspects of this Equinox take a look HERE.
Here in North Central Florida we notice very subtle changes in our environment during this time of the year. We're still seeing butterflies, like the Monarch above, but not crowds of caterpillars on the milkweed plants. Pollinators are visiting a completely different group of flowers than they were a few weeks ago. We're beginning to see the first indications of the Fall Bird Migrations. And the morning temps are moderating, thankfully. Our eyes are still on the Tropics for the beginnings of tropical storms which may or not become Hurricanes. And Life goes on. 

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