Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Of food, now and then

The Autumn Equinox felt like a change of season - warm sun, so that I could sit reading the paper in a thin T shirt with short sleeves, and chill air that had me shivering after the sun went behind the hills. It also looked to be the last entirely dry day for the foreseeable future, so I washed two loads of not-entirely-urgent things and dried them all outside. I also took decisive action with a lingering cauliflower and made, for possibly the third time in my life, cauliflower cheese - or, as I was brought up to call it, cauliflower au gratin, or "collyoh". Remembering that, I was driven to look once more at what Grandma's cookery book had to say - the Glasgow Cookery Book, which is now 100 years old and still sits on my cookery book shelves. Flicking through it, I was struck by the bizarre recipes - like how to cook sprue (as for asparagus, apparently - still can't visualise this thing) - or the two or three visible in the page I've added as an extra. That aside, I have to tell you that my cauliflower was delicious for lunch and made a wonderful noise when it came, incandescent, out of the hot oven. It's a pity I couldn't post my wee video here...

After this, once I'd conquered a tendency to indigestion, I cut the grass in the back garden, finishing the edges with the large scissory things that you operate with one hand. Shall I have to cut it again before winter? I did my Italian lessons in the garden while I recovered. Then Himself wandered down from where he's trying to bring order to our shared study and enquired whether I fancied a walk before dinner. By this time - about 6pm - the sun was sliding down to the hills and the air had grown decidedly chilly, but we were rewarded by the photo that is my second extra. A huge area of cloud seemed to have a distinct cliff edge along the front of it as it moved south, so I've taken a photo of it from outside Morrison's car park as we passed on our way to the sea front. Is this A Thing?

It's too late again, and I need to sleep. But last night I slept like the dead, and my post-vaccination symptoms seem to be receding ...

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