
By AnnieBScotland


it is pouring with rain, so this is taken through the window. the other day I made a bird cake in a yoghurt pot and hung it with a sturdy bit of string near the feeder. yesterday I noticed it had gone. not just been pulled off the string by an over zealous pigeon - but gone!! completely and utterly! I have searched the whole garden and out into the street and no sign of it. Is it possible that a bird could lift the whole thing and fly away? I don't think so. perhaps there was a team effort from the jackdaws - 'right lads, three of us should do it, grab it with your feet and lets go have a feast' or perhaps there is the bird equivalent of a mud wasp that can lift many times its own body weight! the mystery remains.

off now on the girly weekend - have to go and buy enough food for two lunches for 11 women!! I am only taking the compact camera but hope to get some 'interesting' blips.

I have taken the gloves out of summer hibernation - bad. A cheque from the insurers just arrived for the damaged camera - good

have a great holiday weekend everyone.

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