Frustrating and WINDY!

The hurricane force winds arrived as forecast and howled all last night. Even with ear plugs it was difficult to sleep. Today the “Ring Road” - the main road around the island - was closed from south of Hofn where we are to well north. The road is narrow and the speed fast and it would be easy to lose control of the car. The little driving I did today - just to the store for groceries, a quick exploration of the town, and to the Airbnb for tonight - was white knuckled.

And we had to cancel our reservation in the eastern fjords because of weather conditions so scampered around trying to find a local place for tonight. Fortunately we did. Gwen was brave enough to go out for a very long walk in the wind. I stayed at the Airbnb and caught up on stuff. With a bit of luck we’ll be out of here early tomorrow and on the road to Akureyri in the north - a six hour drive.

So today’s blips are not very exciting (check Gwen’s out - she ran into a herd of sheep on her outing). But here’s a shot of Hofn harbor and the bay in the extra….along with the weather warnings for the day.

Thanks so much for your very kind hearts, stars and comments over the past few days!

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