A Dog's Life

Busy busy today. 

Ell and D have been staying over and brought their beautiful doberman Vixen.

They have really helped us with work, putting up shelves, moving furniture, using a shampoo cleaner to clean all the carpets which are good quality and just needed freshening up. 

Took both dogs out for a walk and Hollie loves the deep clover. 

Also went to a village to collect (for free!!) a solid oak dining table from a generous donator.

And went back to our old house by agreement with the new owners to collect a few things that had been left behind in the final rush to move. 

I was pleasantly surprised to be invited in and shown what they had done. 

The whole house had been freshly painted. Top to bottom. And it looked fantastic. 

They will be having new curtains and carpets next week and move in finally in October. 
They have done a wonderful job and are excited to start a new life and a family in this house that has been our home for nearly forty years.

We are happy for them and happy with our own situation. 

As they say, all's well that ends well. 

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