If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Basically a quiet day.  In the afternoon we popped out to the "Late Mate's House" to check everything was OK.  It is now 5 months since he died, presumably one day probate will get sorted and the house can go on the market.  In the meantime, with his son living on Lewis we are keeping a watchful eye on things.

The garden has been neglected since he died so while there we started a bit of a "sort out".  By the time we were ready to go the back of the car with the seats down as well was full of vegetation, mostly Everlasting Pea which I had cut off the trellis.

Among the plants, this little Campanula had 4 flowers, these two in reasonable condition and two which had definitely seen better days.  Not a terribly interesting shot so I decided to colour pop it to hopefully make it a little more interesting.

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