Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

I'm not sure if I can aplogise enough.

A rather unfulfilling day so far. Spent 3 hours in one of our offices trying to get one of work accounts unlocked and updated (to which I only half succeeded); have felt lousy all day (all week in honesty); and to make matters worse the blue skies have gone AWOL from Bristol :(

I have to pick the eldest up early on a Friday (as the afternoon school club closes at 5 today), and I just don't think I'll have the energy to get a decent photo later on.

So I picked up the Nikon, with the smaller lens than yesterday and set about to photo some of the blossom that is in bud on our fruit trees.

I actually got quite a good shot, but.....

When I went in the front garden I realised these poor tulips had not made an outing in my TulipFest of this week, and as a caterpillar is having a damn good attempt at eating all the petals I thought it might not survive another day.

So, this makes it 5 tulip photo's in a row.

Thank you everyone who commented and gave me stars on my 100th blip yesterday. It was really rather touching, as it has already proved my most popular blip by far.

For anyone who did not see it, then you can click here.

Finally, can anyone tell me how to put in a URL to 'go large' as I've seen on other pages? I know the user can hit the magnifying glass, but sometimes I would like to draw attention to the image in large.

Here goes with my attempt at a LARGE link

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